Join us at Chabad for the High Holidays, where every moment is infused with warmth and meaning.

Our guided holiday services are interactive and suitable for individuals of all levels and religious backgrounds.

Please scroll down to RSVP

Pre Rosh Hashana Challah Bake

Tuesday┃September 24th┃6:00 PM

At Chabad of Broomfield, 3800 W. 144th Ave. Suite B1400

Join our 3rd Annual Pre-Rosh Hashana Women’s Challah Bake! Learn the art of challah making, infuse your dough with sweet new year wishes, and take home a delicious homemade challah to share with your family. $18 Couvert Fee.

CKids Club- Pre Rosh Hashana Edition

Sunday┃September 29th┃10:00-11:00 AM

At Chabad of Broomfield, 3800 W. 144th Ave. Suite B1400

CKids Clubs are unparalleled Jewish experiences that are designed to empower children to unearth their unique talents while fostering a deep connection to their Jewish heritage. Enroll today for exclusive access to the freshest Jewish events out there!

Rosh Hashana Eve Services & Community Dinner

Wednesday┃October 2nd┃6:30 PM Evening Services, 7:00 PM Buffet Dinner

At Chabad of Broomfield, 3800 W. 144th Ave. Suite B1400

Join us for a warm and festive Rosh Hashanah dinner filled with delicious traditional foods, meaningful insights, and the joy of community. Celebrate the new year with family and friends as we usher in 5785 together! $25 Per Person

Rosh Hashana Services

At Chabad of Broomfield, 3800 W. 144th Ave. Suite B1400

Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th

No Affiliation Necessary. Traditional and Inspirational Services. Warm and friendly Atmosphere. Special Children’s Program and Service

10:00 Morning Services┃11:00 Sermon and Shofar Sounding┃12:15 Kiddush Lunch

Shofar in the Park

Join us for a family-friendly Rosh Hashanah gathering and Shofar blowing at Anthem Community Park. Enjoy honey cake and refreshments as we celebrate the holiday together with friends and community. Shana Tova!

At The Anthem Community Park┃15663 Sheridan Pkwy, Broomfield

Friday, October 4th, at 3:00 PM

Yom Kippur Services

At Chabad of Broomfield, 3800 W. 144th Ave. Suite B1400

Friday, October 11th┃Saturday, October 12th

Yom Kippur Eve┃Friday October 11th┃6:30 PM: Kol Nidrei Evening Service

Yom Kippur Day┃Saturday, October 12th┃10:00 Morning Services┃11:30 Yizkor & Memorial Service for the victims of Oct 7th

Yom Kippur Evening6:00 PM Neilah Closing┃7:05 PM Break-Fast


Join us for a festive Sukkot Holiday celebration! Shake the Lulav and Etrog, grab a bite to eat in the Sukkah, and celebrate this festive time with family and friends!

At Chabad of Broomfield, 3800 W. 144th Ave. Suite B1400

Sunday┃October 20th┃6:00 PM

There is no affiliation necessary and no cost for your seats.

Please fill out the form below to help us prepare accordingly

No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please contact Rabbi Yossi at (720) 968-0086 or info@chabadbroomfield.com